Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What was lost is now found...

Good news, my dad was able to pull the stove out from the counter and found the owl pendant I was working on.  I had a chance to mod podge and fill it with ice resin the other day.  Now all I need to do is put the necklace together.  I thought I would give you a little teaser of the necklace by posting a picture of the pendant.  Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Perils of Crafting with Cats in the House...

Recently I've been working on creating a new necklace that has an owl theme.  Owls have been really popular recently and I've had a hard time finding just the right materials to make a necklace.  Instead of finding a pre-made pendant I decided to create my own with paper, stamping, and resin.  I decided to work on this pendant in the kitchen instead of my craft room because I needed access to the sink.  After all my cutting, stamping, and coloring I finally had my pendant glued together, it just needed to dry before using Modge Podge and resin.  I let it dry on the counter overnight.  The next day, one of my cats was on the counter batting something around.  I quickly realized it was my pendant, before I could get to him, he knocked the pendant between the counter and the stove.  Hopefully the pendant is OK, I now need to pull out the stove to reach the pendant.

Cross your fingers for me.